We’re so happy with the team of athletes we’ve brought together to train the next generation at The Backstop. To help you learn a bit more about them, we’ve asked them to tell us a couple things about their background and experience with softball as players, and professionals. See why we’re looking forward to what Courtney Sheridan will throw over the plate!
Where did you go to college?
I played pitched for the Lady Knights at CCRI my freshman and sophomore years. Currently I am a senior at URI finishing my Marketing Degree.
Any notable stats or awards?
Well, since you asked… :)
My first season I pitched 129 innings and broke the records for most strikeouts in a single season (148) and most strikeouts in one game (16). Along with winning the Regional Championship, I also earned All-Region Honors and MVP for the 2016 season. At the completion of the season, my pitching statistics helped me rank 18th in the NJCAA. In my second year at CCRI, I broke the record for most strikeouts in a career (220) and was awarded the Distinguished Female Athlete of the Year by the RIAIAW.
Where did you play growing up?
Growing up I played for Toll Gate High School, Apponaug Girls Softball, and RI Thunder.
What is something you’re hoping to bring to the team here?
I’m hoping to use sonic slushies as motivation to get my girls to develop strong leg drive- something all successful pitchers need to succeed! I want to train my girls to master the pitching fundamentals first so they can grow and focus on things like strengthening their bodies, speed, moving their pitches around the plate, and developing a strong mental toughness on and even off the field.
What’s your day job?
I work part-time as a marketing assistant at CCRI, part-time as a Sports Marketing intern at URI, attend classes at URI full-time, and no, I usually don’t have time to sleep!
What else do you do for fun?
I love hanging out with my family and friends. I live for experiences rather than materialistic things. When I’m doing something fun with family or friends I like to take videos to look at as memories!
Do you have any nicknames?
As far as softball nicknames go … on a good day my nickname would be “Ace” and on a bad day my nickname was usually “the heart attack kid,” because I had a track record of loading up the bases with no outs, and then striking out the next three batters…. Almost giving my dad a heart attack in the dugout.
What’s your favorite food?
I LOVE chicken nuggets. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and second dinner. I’ll take chicken nuggets for all of them.